A couple days ago Wizards Of The Coast announced some upcoming changes to the Friday Night Magic program, which you can read here.
This is what Wizards offered at Pro Tour Khans Of Tarkir:
Now, these changes don’t take place until January, but will allow us all more freedom in what formats Kryptonite Kollectibles will be able to host on a weekly basis.
Right now we will continue to host our 7pm Chaos Booster Drafts weekly, but starting in January, we will also begin having Commander tournaments starting at 6pm and running alongside the drafts, meaning you will be able to get FNM promos simply by playing commander!
Are there any other formats you would love to play once in a while? I figured a “Flex slot” every month for a special FNM event would be fun, maybe Cube, Emperor, Block Constructed, Pauper, or something else fun and easily accessible to lots of players.
Sound off! Let’s make FNM by the players, for the players!